Skammdegi Festival 2019 | Skammdegishátíð 2019
(14-17. 02. 2019)
The 5th annual Skammdegi Festival, organized by Listhús SES, will take place on Thursday, February 14th through Sunday, February 17th, 2019, in a variety of venues in Ólafsfjörður, North Iceland.
This year, the Festival features exhibitions, performances and events with 16 artists, musicians and writers from Iceland and around the globe, as a result of their two-month residency at Listhús during the darkest period in winter: the “Skammdegi”.

Participating list:
Creative team:
Dannie Liebergot (USA) | photographer
Teresa Cheung Siu Hung (HK, China) | culture & art management
Sheryl Anaya (USA) | visual artist
Andrey Kozakov​ (Ukraine/USA) | visual artist
Annie Edney​ (Australia) | visual artist
Angela Dai (China/USA) | visual artist
Clara de Cápua (Brazil) | visual artist
Dagrún Matthíasdóttir (Iceland) | visual artist
Danielle Galietti (USA) | media & performance artist
Gudrun Mobus Bernhards (Iceland) |
Icelandic cultural engineer & collaborator, vocal -
Hollis Schiavo​ (Ukraine/USA) | visual artist
Ingi Þ. Reyndal (Iceland) | photographer & poet
Lára Stefánsdóttir - photographer
Matthew Runciman​ (Canada) | musician
Santiago Ortiz​ (Colombia/USA) | visual artist
Sigurður Mar Halldórsson (Iceland) | photographer
poster designed by Angela Dai