by Beatrise Madara Podniece
15.11.2017 | 17:00-19:00
Listhus Gallery
Beatrise Madara Podniece (Latvia) came to Iceland to "Listhús" artist’s residency to do her practice to accomplish her studies mainly working on exhibition making and interacting with other artists. To conclude this wonderful experience, she will present artworks that have been made during her stay in the organization.
Art has always been an essential part of her life no matter if it is painting, playing music, dancing or just being creative in any way. What is important – to see the beauty in little things and in everyday life. Her work mostly reflects feelings from the inside and outside world.
Iceland with it’s mountainous terrain as well as it’s vast plains, snow-covered peaks, serene lakes and breath-taking northern lights and a variety of other things which impact her visual and sensational life – inspires to work on new ideas, techniques and to create new artworks.
The exhibition will be open for only one day. Don’t miss it!