A sight on Mexican photographyHistory of the medium from XIX century till contemporary works.
A talk by Alfredo Esparza (Torreon, Mexico. 1980)
Date: 18. 9. 2017
Time: 18:00~19:15
Venue: Menntaskólinn á Tröllaskaga,
The talk will offer a wide panorama of the photographic culture in Mexico, where we have a rich tradition in both, documentary and artistic photography. We are going to trace the genealogy of the image since the very first photographs, passing through some relevant political events such as Mexican Revolution, till the first attempts to make artistic images. Finally, we will discuss the uses, themes and genres addressed by current artists and photographers and how they work circulates in a global context. The talk will focus on these topics:
the introduction of the medium in the country.
Classic Mexican photographers
Contemporary Mexican artists and photographers.
Mexico in international context
About Alfredo Esparza (Torreon, Mexico. 1980)
Master Degree in Humanities (2008)
Visual artist and Cultural Manager. Uses photography and video as main tools to producehis pieces. He had solo exhibitions in Torreon and Mexico City, and many group shows In
US, Italy, Spain and Mexico. His work has been published in magazines such as Vice, Cuartoscuro, Xook, amongst others. From 2012 to 2014 he worked as head of exhibitionsand resident curator and museographer at the Museo Nacional de Culturas Populares, in Mexico City, where he mounted about 11 medium and large format exhibitions. He also produced independent exhibitions for both private and public institutions in Mexico City,such as Museo del Carmen or Museo de la Cancilleria. Since 2012, he is associated curator at 357 Gallery, in Mexico City. In 2015, he founded Sin Perder De Vista, a monthly cycle of talks about the photographic image in Mexico City. Lives and works between Torreon and Mexico City.
Links to samples of his work and further information: